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We are an evangelical church in Ithaca, NY, with a Bible-centered ministry in an intergenerational, international, intentional context. As you settle into a new town, new school, and new rhythms of life, Christ Chapel is eager to invite you to worship with us during your years in Ithaca.


We meet at 10:30 AM for worship every Sunday. Our building at 160 Graham Road is also easily accessible via TCAT bus (route 30 — get off at the YMCA stop), and parking is available on site. Christ Chapel is located at 160 Graham Road in Ithaca, NY — near the Shops at Ithaca Mall, off of North Triphammer Road.


We offer rides from Cornell's campus. Sign up here to request a ride.


Dress as you are comfortable. A typical service features congregational singing, responsive reading, announcements, prayer, and expository preaching. Our services begin promptly and run for about 75 minutes. 


After the service we serve coffee and refreshments downstairs, providing an opportunity to connect with friends and meet others in the church.


Beyond Sundays, a small number of intergenerational activities would make up our rhythms. Life groups meet in homes around Ithaca.


As a church, we are eager to serve one another. Some opportunities include singing in the choir (which rehearses every Thursday), teaching children’s Sunday school, helping with children in the nursery, or providing food for fellowship hour once a month as part of a snack team. We are also active with housing and food ministries in the area, and would love to have you come alongside! Learn more about ways to serve.


If you would like to meet weekly or bi-weekly with an older man or women who can disciple you, we would like to make that available to you. Please contact Pastor Ben, who can help set things up for you.

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